The Crucible Knights are a particularly dangerous foe for players to face in Elden Ring, and their presence is only heightened by the fact that any attempt at healing can backfire on them.
It would appear that even though Elden Ring was released a full five months ago, there are still a few hints and clues for players to discover as they battle their way through the Lands Between. It is understandable that not all players will be familiar with the intricate workings of Elden Ring's imposing Crucible Knights due to the fact that not all players have engaged in combat with these foes for a sufficient amount of time.
Reddit user Chosen-Bearer-Of-Ash demonstrates in a recent post that was made to the Elden Ring subreddit what happens when a faith build engages in combat with a Crucible Knight. Although the player does a good job of fighting for the majority of the clip, things take an unexpected turn for the worse while they are trying to gather their own strength and heal up in order to survive another relentless assault.
The video begins with both the player and the adversary Crucible Knight having low health, which gives the impression that this battle may have been going on for some time before finally reaching this point. However, when the player attempts to use the incantation Great Heal to regain some hit points before jumping back into the fight, the Crucible Knight steps into the area of effect on the spell. This causes the spell to be invalidated. In spite of the fact that this incantation isn't supposed to have any effect on foes, like the vast majority of Elden Ring's damaging spells, the Crucible Knight's health increases in tandem with that of the player.
Due to the fact that most other foes are unable to benefit from being in the vicinity of the area of effect of a healing incantation, this can come as quite a shock to players when they encounter it for the first time. In point of fact, there are some hostile mobs that can be hurt by the healing magic of the Elden Ring; consequently, many of these incantations have a secondary purpose in addition to their primary one. In spite of this, it is extremely unusual for an enemy like the Crucible Knight to be able to heal simply by walking into Elden Ring gold. As a result, some of the comments on the original post on Reddit question whether or not it was a bug. Despite this, a number of other players have previously reported that they encountered this issue during their own playthroughs.
The arsenal of strategies that these foes have at their disposal has the potential to bring about catastrophic defeats for Crucible Knights in Elden Ring. Therefore, the discovery that the player's own healing can effectively restart the battle from the beginning if not taking perfect care for enemy placement merely serves to further illustrate how frightening these foes can be. Defeating adversaries of this kind consistently demonstrates that Elden Ring is one of the most challenging experiences that FromSoftware has designed to date; as a result, completing this type of fight feels like a significant achievement each time it is attempted.
Fortunately, someone like this rarely gives you the opportunity to even cast a healing spell, and that's why I don't think this will ever have an impact on anyone other than the person watching this clip. I believe that Elden Ring Runes PS for sale is due to the fact that the Crucible Knight in question is hostile to you but is still considered an ally, which is why you are able to heal it. But since I don't know for sure, please don't cite me on it. PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S users can now get their hands on Elden Ring.